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Spiritual Guidance

Loyola Press - Special Needs Ministry 

This Catholic ministry seeks to empower parishes and parishioners, as every single parish is touched by a special needs family, whether they realize it or not. They have developed adaptive programs to help with the faith formation of children with special needs. In addition, it has great resources, such as what parents want Catechetical leaders to know, how to teach children with Autism, how children with special needs have affected families' spirituality and more. These resources might be great jumping-off places for local parishes, as well as families practicing Catholicism that aren't sure how to approach the topic at their local parish.

Key Ministry

This Christian-based (Protestant) ministry, seeks to empower churches across the world on how to minister to and serve families of children with disabilities since their start in 2002. They have various blogs and even connect with an online pastor's retreat, called Church4EveryKid, which helps to build mental-health and special needs friendly churches. These retreat resources are available to work at your own pace if you know a pastor who may be interested! In addition, Key Ministry works to champion local churches and empower them individually, rather than being reliant on them. They have blogs for families and churches, recommended books, consultations, events, webinars, and even online communities and access to respite care for families (if applicable in your area). They also have a map of churches that are ready to serve you and your family's special needs (with one being in New Bern). 

MUHSEN - Muslims Understanding and Helping Special Education Needs

This Islamic ministry assists local Masjids to focus on three key areas: Awareness, accommodation, and acceptance of children with disabilities and families with special needs. They have one Masjid certified in North Carolina, located in Raleigh, meaning they have completed a training and have physical accessibility, as well as accessible faith formation programs. In addition, families can connect and register with Muhsen, with some families being plotted in Eastern North Carolina. They have various programs and resources and may be able to connect local Muslim families with proper resources in their area!


A Jewish international organization, Yachad seeks to break down the barriers that exist with the Jewish community for individuals with developmental or other disabilties. They advocate mainly for education, hoping to change the conversation. While there are are no chapters in North Carolina (most are in major metropolitan areas), they do have great resources, such as retreats/programming, classes, parent and sibling support services, and more. In addition, they have Yachad on Demand, where they have live events over Zoom, a video library, online resources, and more! Click on the heading to go to their home page!

Want more suggestions?

Didn't find what you were looking for? Click on the heading to go to a resource list curated by the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Utah for more national spiritual resources for children with special needs and families of children with special needs. They have resources for Episcopalians, Latter-Day Saints, Methodists, and more!

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