Parents of Children with Disabilities Resource Center and Self-care Toolkit
Financial Planning & Resources
Below are some resources that provides some helpful statistics on tax credits, supplemental income, and health care. It also provides information on how to save for your child's future, information on special needs trusts, and options of the guardianship process.
The Arc of North Carolina Provides information on case management, supported employment, Project Search, housing options and more.
Medicaid Learn how to apply for benefits.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Understand the eligibility requirements.
Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program (SNAP) Learn how to apply.
NC Able Learn how to save for your child's future!!! Many states have Able account opportunities.
Information on Special Needs Trusts Planning for when you are no longer able to care for your child.
Information on Guardianship Learn what to do when your child needs assistance in decision making as an adult.